A downloadable game

Chronomon = Pokemon + Stardew Valley
New Demo just dropped! Huge upgrade from the previous. 

Will be available on PC / Mobile / Smartwatches (Steam, Android, WearOS)

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Chronomon is a monster taming RPG game with retro pixel art graphics. Raise your Chronomons from an egg, capture them, battle other trainers in this one of a kind, WearOS Smartwatch monster taming game. 


- Monsters and Battles

  • Choose your starter Chronomon and go forth, in search of all of the monsters you can find. 
  • Catch them, Train them, Evolve them, Ranch them. Your monsters are more than something you battle with but a source of friendship and income in this apocalyptical world. 
  • Battle monsters right there on the map, no more bouncing to a different menu. 
  • Some skills interact with the map, fire can burn grass, air can move trees and leaves. 
  • Catch Chronomon and their extra rare variants with fresh new skins.
  • Each monster has 3 unique passive skill trees called IMPRINTS that provide huge stat boosts, extra skills and the hand up in battle.

- Simulation 

  • Cook a wide variety of meals from items you find out in the wild, fish for etc. Unlock new exotic recipes to heal your monsters and give them buffs in battle.
  • Forage the land for materials to build up your farm, craft new tools and food to cook with or stay alive in the harshest nights.
  • Go fishing and catch over 20+ fish types. Cook them or sell them in the market.
  • Farm your lands. Plant 20+ plant types, sell them or use them in recipes.
  • Keep your players hunger down by eating what you find or cook. Manage your energy by taking naps in game or relaxing next to a fire you built.
  • Release your monsters in the Ranch to make them happy, feed them and pet them. Happy monsters give better materials.

- Story and Game

  • Chronomon features a robust Time system. Going from Dawn, Day, Dusk and Night, the world changes around you depending on where and when you are. 
  • Watch as the sun goes down and the lights go on. Be careful venturing out at night as monsters become more ferocious. 
  • NPC's have schedules, enter shops at certain times. Take a quest that only activates at night or catch a Chronomon that only comes out at dusk. 
  • Branching storyline means you could mean unlocking a quest can lock another one. 

- Challenging puzzles to solve using your monsters abilities

- Epic boss battles and trainer arenas.

- Unlock the mysteries the kingdom and gather information about all of the monsters

Available on

Development log


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(1 edit)

I love the game and the concept for it but some of the execution Not sure if this is just them being on different updates but the chests on pc has 8 slots the house starts with 1 and the google play store app has the chest has 30 slots the house starts with 2, on mobile the energy bar just changes colors but doesn't actually like shorten which really confused me for a while since the 2 shades of red are really close I get that it goes from a more vibrant red to a blood red but honestly with it being so small its hard to tell apart, I did notice that the apocalyptic setting showed with the presence of raiders that was a beautiful touch btw  might I recommend making it where if a player puts a chest outside of their base having a chance that after some amount of time their chest of stuff would be stolen from not the whole chest but the items inside just saying that would fit with the theme so well 

 I intend to continuing to play on pc and mobile 

Thank you for checking out Chronomon! The demo is a super early prototype with the mobile/PC being different builds. I'll be sure to address all the issues on the full release this year =)


SO CUTE :O Farming and pokemon, my two favorite things. Looking good so far!

some things that came to mind from my playtime:

It took me a minute to figure out how to use the potato seeds, I eventually figured out how to put them on the hot bar, not sure if you can use items from your bag

It would be nice if when you just tapped the direction keys once, your character would face that direction instead of moving. Made positioning to water my potatoes awfully annoying

Things like the axe should continuously activate if you hold down the button imo

Character gets stuck in walking animation if moving while talking to someone, woops

Would be nice if trees/other obstacles faded out when you're behind them so I can see what the heck I'm stuck on

I couldn't catch a single fish ;---;

being able to sit down is ADORABLE!

I like how the battles take place in the overworld instead of a vs screen! But sometimes the creatures are hidden behind environment details like trees D: There was some neat mushroom creature I could barely see 

Needs an exit game button!

Good stuff, keep it up!


Thanks or the post =)

Absolutely agreed about tapping to turn. Right now you can lock your direction by holding the interact button (or shift on PC) That should help with all the farm work for now. 

I didn't think about constant activate on tools! Great idea. It's on the list here. 

Working on fading trees for battles and walking behind for sure. 

Quit button in settings =)

Thanks for playing! I have a HUGE update coming out shortly for the town and NPCs that I think will give so much more to do in game. 


How do I flip the orientation on watchOS? It's upside down and if I take off my watch and flip it it will still flip back to being upside down.


ohh yes sorry I haven't put that in yet! 

Your left handed? 

I'll put an update out soon that let's you flip it

I have a pixel watch 2 and I wear it on my right wrist with the radial dial on the left because of how I work that's the best orientation. Maybe that has something to do with it with how it's displayed by default on my device. 


That's exactly why. Most users have it on their left wrist. But this is a concern a few people have made so I'll put a setting in to flip it.

Update just went out with some fun features but also a way to flip the orientation =)


This is an incredible game. Really well done. ;-)

First positive review =)
Thank you! 8 months in and 2 demos to get it here. Let me know if there is any issues or requests! Loads of new stuff still going in.

Deleted 330 days ago

Thanks for the feedback! It was originally made for smartwatches. The mobile and PC builds will absolutely have a different menu on release and 100% agree the menus suck. 


Thanks for the feedback from before! I have been building out a new demo for the last few months with your feedback in mind. New PC build is up, would love to know what you think